The Audubon County Master Gardeners would like to invite all involved with Farmers’ Market in our area to bring your produce/baked goods/plants and flowers to the Fairgrounds on Saturday morning, July 20th from 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon.
One of the goals of Master Gardeners is to spread the love of gardening and to educate others. We thought this would meet a couple of goals – Saturday is KIDS Day at the fair so there would be lots of families in attendance. This would be a perfect opportunity to showcase produce, etc. available at our local Farmers’ Markets. This would perhaps be an introduction to locally grown, fresh produce for some not familiar with the program.
We will have a space ready for you and signage to encourage fair goers to check out your goods. There is no cost to you, just plan to spend the time with us. We would like to have an estimate on how much space we need, so it would be appreciated if you would let us know if you are coming by July 12th which is fair prep day. Contact ISU Extension and Outreach at 563-4239 or Chris Jensen 268-2608.